Skotlanti 31.1.2021: Kadonnut Jamie Waugh, 29-vuotias

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Sofia Karppi
Viestit: 422
Liittynyt: Ke Joulu 02, 2015 9:05 pm

Skotlanti 31.1.2021: Kadonnut Jamie Waugh, 29-vuotias

Viesti Kirjoittaja Modesty_Blaise »

29-vuotias Jamie Waugh katosi tammikuun 31. päivä 2021 Skotlannin Larkhallin kaupungissa. Larkhall sijaitsee suurkaupunki Glasgown eteläpuolella. Poliisi sai ilmoituksen Jamien katoamisesta 6. helmikuuta 2021. Jamie lähti osoitteesta Glen Ave kello 4 sunnuntaiaamuna tarkoituksenaan mennä ystävänsä luokse, jonne hän ei koskaan saapunut. Skotlannin poliisi on uudelleen pyytänyt yleisön apua Jamien olinpaikan selvittämiseksi. Katoamispaikan lähellä virtaa Avon Water -joki. Olisiko Jamie mennyt piristävälle aamu-uinnille jokeen?

Avon Water -joki kuvassa ... mie-waugh/

Officers are renewing the appeal for information to help trace 29-year-old Jamie Waugh missing from Larkhall.

Jamie was reported missing to police on Sunday, 6 February, 2021.

He left an address in Glen Ave, Larkhall with the intention of going to another friend's address around 4.00am on Sunday, 31 January, 2021. No-one has seen or heard from him since.

Jamie is described as being around 5ft 11 inches in height, brown receding hair with blue eyes. When last seen he was wearing a black t-shirt, navy blue zipper top, black Adidas shorts and grey trainers. He has a tattoo on his right arm with the letters JAMIE and a skull roses tattoo on his left arm.

Sergeant Audrey Peat of Hamilton Police Station said : “We are growing increasingly concerned for the welfare of Jamie, his family and friends are extremely worried about him. They are asking him to please get in touch with someone to let them know he is ok.

“Officers are continuing their enquiries in the local area with the assistance of specialist officers and are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 1830 of 6 February 2021. “

Otsikkoa tarkennettu
Hevosen pää minun, pirun pää hevosella, minun pää pirun.
Sofia Karppi
Viestit: 439
Liittynyt: Ma Syys 21, 2015 2:06 pm

Re: Skotlanti 31.1.2021: Kadonnut Jamie Waugh, 29-vuotias

Viesti Kirjoittaja sikakyösti »

En tiedä miksi juuri tämän Jamien katoamisen pitäisi ylittää uutiskynnys Skotlannin ulkopuolella. Tuolla Skotlannin poliisin sivulla on pitkä rivi kuvia kadonneista, kaiken kaikkiaan 33 kappaletta, jos nyt nopeasti näin pikkutunneilla oikein laskin. 33 kadonneesta vain 2 näytti olevan naisia, joten katoilu näyttää olevan vielä Suomeakin vanhemmin miesten juttu.
Viestit: 23
Liittynyt: Ke Heinä 28, 2021 10:57 am

Re: Skotlanti 31.1.2021: Kadonnut Jamie Waugh, 29-vuotias

Viesti Kirjoittaja Leppälintu »

Jamie Waugh on löydetty menehtyneenä. Ruumis oli löytynyt elokuussa vedestä eikä rikosta epäillä. ... g-24700959

"Body recovered from Larkhall water is that of missing Jamie Waugh

Emergency services reced to the scene near to Glen Avenue on Sunday evening.

The body of a man found in water in Larkhall has now been formally identified as missing Lanarkshire man Jamie Waugh.

Police Scotland last night (Thursday) confirmed that the body recovered from water near to Glen Avenue on Sunday was that of the 29-year-old.

Jamie had been missing for over six months. His family have been informed.

Jamie, who lived in Larkhall but also had links to Blantyre, was reported missing back in February with extensive searches and appeals in a bid to trace him.

He had last been seen around 4am on Sunday, January 31, 2021, when he left an address in Glen Avenue in the town.

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland told Lanarkshire Live : "There would not appear to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

"A full report has be sent to the Procurator Fiscal.""
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