Araxie Illman, Vaasa - viimeisin havainto 14.10.2017

Spekulointia kadonneista henkilöistä.
Jane Marple
Viestit: 1030
Liittynyt: Pe Loka 26, 2007 4:01 pm

Re: Araxie Illman, Vaasa - viimeisin havainto 14.10.2017

Viesti Kirjoittaja Petteri »

Gerbyssä kadonnut nainen on edelleen kateissa.
Viestit: 94
Liittynyt: Ti Heinä 28, 2015 10:14 pm

Re: Araxie Illman, Vaasa - viimeisin havainto 14.10.2017

Viesti Kirjoittaja erica »

Todennäköisesti löytyy läheltä viimeistä paikkaa, jossa nähty. Jostain syystä uskon että avaimet kulkeutuneet kauemmas jostain muusta syystä.
Adrian Monk
Viestit: 2932
Liittynyt: Ti Tammi 06, 2009 5:55 pm

Re: Araxie Illman, Vaasa - viimeisin havainto 14.10.2017

Viesti Kirjoittaja Helmie »

En löytänyt uutisointia Araxien löytymisestä. Sen sijaan löysin englanniksi kirjoitetun blogitekstin, josta ei ihan hirveästi uutta selvinnyt, mutta jotain kuitenkin.

Ohessa teksti ja linkki:
Where did Araxie Illman go?
This is my first time writing anything on this subreddit, but I wanted to share a case local to my city. Finland is a very small country, and the number of people who had disappeared and remained it so for more than a month since records have been kept (1950's) amount to only 350, and most of those cases have taken place between the 1980's and 1990's...

The city of Vasa is located in the west coast of Finland, and there aren't many cases like this (recently another elderly man has disappeared, but he isn't counted yet in the statistics). However, on October 14, 2017 between 14:00pm and 16:00pm, Araxie Illman, a 70-year old woman, was spotted to be walking towards the city centre alongside Gerbyvägen/Gerbyntie (Gerby road) in the neighbourhood of Dragnäsbäck/Vetokannas, part of the larger Gerby district.

The next day at twilight, her house key was found outside Kyrkoesplanaden/Kirkkopuistikko 22 (Church's Boulevard 22), an address to which she had no connections to and no real reasons to be at, which suggests she might have lost her key as she walked past this street.

It was reported that it was a child who first found the key and gave it to his mom, who in turn, hung it up at a traffic sign from where it was subsequently returned to the police by a third party. The police asked the woman to come forward, but it wasn't reported if she did.

After this, however, no other traces of her had been found. The police arranged a search effort the following Tuesday (October 17, 2017) in cooperation with Vapepa (Voluntary Rescue Service, a network of volunteer helpers), making use also of a plane equipped with thermographic cameras and both cadaver and search dogs, but the search party did not found anything.

A year later, as the hunting season comes to a close, many of us expected her remains to be found somewhere in the region, but that hasn't been the case. My local swedish speaking newspaper (Vasabladet) interviewed Eero Välimäki, former detective superintendent and person in charge of the investigation and who has since retired from the force, about this case and he seems rather troubled by it.

According to him, there is something that doesn't add up. For example, due to her profile (70-year old and suffering from dementia), he had expected to find her rather quickly on the ground. The police asked the public to search their sheds and garages, and searches continued well into November.

He mentions that she walked quite a long way (about 5,1km or 3,16 miles), which it means that the search area is quite large, but also the fact that there are not really any big wooded areas where one can disappear, and given that my city is considered 'densely populated' (in finnish terms), she must have been found or someone must have seen something. Nevertheless, in the only two police announcements I could find, there is no mention of foul play.

The last tip the police got was this past spring, when someone found a shoe and wondered if it could have belonged to Araxie. It did not.

Araxie Illman is 146cm (4,79ft), and weighted at the moment of her disappearance around 47kg (103,61 lbs), she has a birthmark on the left side of the face. I couldn't find her date of birth, but I assume she is now 71 years old. She is a finnish speaker, but understands swedish as well. According to the police report, at the time of her disappearance she is believed to be wearing light blue jeans, a dark blue jacket without hoodie, light brown walking shoes without laces and a beanie hat.

Here are the only available photos of her: 1 and 2

Sources are only in swedish and finnish, but if anyone is interested, you could try google translate:


Woman disappears in Vasa (In this first announcement it was reported she was last seen around 07:00am in a further north street called Lindroosvägen/Lindroosintie)

Police still looking for the person who found Araxie Illma's key

Sources in swedish

The mystery of the woman from Vasa who disappeared

No traces of Araxie

Home key found, the police ask for the woman who hung it up to come forward

Woman disappears in Vasa (in this one, her height is reported as being 150cm)

Sources in finnish

Still missing, Police and Vapepa looking for her

Check your sheds and garages! Missing woman from Gerby - the police releases her description

Search party of missing woman from Vasa deploys dogs

The police got a new clue about missing woman from Vasa - Did you took that key to the police department?

No new clues in case of Araxie Illman from Vasa, the Ostrobothnian police department says

And (finnish forum dedicated to discuss crimes), which has a thread for Araxie where other links are provided, although no new information is found.

Sorry if I broke any rules and don't know if the format is right either. ... illman_go/

Kirjoituksesta ilmenee, että Araxie on puhunut suomea, mutta myös ruotsia jonkin verran. Hänen kerrotaan olleen 146 senttimetriä pitkä ja painaneen noin 47 kilogrammaa.
Araxien kerrotaan sairastaneen dementiaa. Avain on löytynyt noin 5 kilometrin päästä katoamispaikalta. Poliisi on hämmästellyt miten Araxieta ei ole vielä löytynyt.
Dementoitunut vanhus tosin saattaa kävellä pitkiäkin matkoja. Kunpa olisi vaan jo löytynyt niin omaiset saisivat rauhan.
Adrian Monk
Viestit: 2932
Liittynyt: Ti Tammi 06, 2009 5:55 pm

Re: Araxie Illman, Vaasa - viimeisin havainto 14.10.2017

Viesti Kirjoittaja Helmie »

Araxie on edelleen kadoksissa. Häntä on etsitty vapaaehtois- ja poliisivoimin Gerbyn maastosta. Lähde: Ylen Kadonneet kartalla-sivusto
Adrian Monk
Viestit: 2932
Liittynyt: Ti Tammi 06, 2009 5:55 pm

Re: Araxie Illman, Vaasa - viimeisin havainto 14.10.2017

Viesti Kirjoittaja Helmie »

Edelleen kadoksissa, 6.5.2023 julkaistun Ilkka Pohjolainen artikkelin "Yli kymmenen pohjalaista on kadonnut jäljettömiin – Mitä heille tapahtui?" mukaan. Araxien tapaus on listattuna artikkelissa olevalle kartalle.
Araxie Illman, Vaasa
Katosi 14.10.2017. Viimeinen varma havainto katoamishetkellä 70-vuotiaasta Illmanista on lauantai-iltapäivältä 14. lokakuuta kello 14–16 väliseltä ajalta. Tuolloin hän oli kävelemässä Gerbyntietä keskustan suuntaan. Lauantaina seitsemän aikaan aamulla Illman nähtiin myös Lindroosintiellä. Katoamispäivänä hän oli pukeutunut vaaleansinisiin farkkuihin, vaaleanruskeisiin nauhattomiin kävelykenkiin sekä tummansiniseen talvitakkiin. ... e-tapahtui
Aloitteleva Besserwisser
Viestit: 14
Liittynyt: Ma Touko 11, 2020 10:38 pm

Re: Araxie Illman, Vaasa - viimeisin havainto 14.10.2017

Viesti Kirjoittaja Diipadaapaaa89 »

Araxien tytär on mun äidin ystäviä. Ovat siis Turkkilaisia ja asuneet pitkän ajan Vaasassa. Araxie on edelleen kateissa, eikä jälkeäkään mistään. Ei yhden yhtäkään havaintoa..
Adrian Monk
Viestit: 2932
Liittynyt: Ti Tammi 06, 2009 5:55 pm

Re: Araxie Illman, Vaasa - viimeisin havainto 14.10.2017

Viesti Kirjoittaja Helmie »

Virallisen Lehden julkaisussa 1/2.1.2024 ilmoitetaan 31.8.1946 syntyneen Araxie Yerevant Illmanin kuolleeksi julistamisesta. Määräpäivä 2.4.2024. Pohjanmaan käräjäoikeus.
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