Zodiac killer

Ulkomailla tapahtuneet selvitetyt tai vielä selvittämättömät henkirikokset
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

Huopa kirjoitti: Pe Loka 28, 2022 1:03 pm
LexVeritas kirjoitti: Pe Loka 28, 2022 6:37 am
Huopa kirjoitti: To Loka 27, 2022 11:07 pm

Zodiacin voisi tosiaan päätellä olevan ainakin kolmekymppinen, jotta uhreihin syntyisi merkittävä ikäero. Zodiachan puhui uhreistaan usein lapsina (mm puhelussa Blue rock springs hyökkäyksen jälkeen "I also killed those Kids last year" Ehkä siksi tuo toinen ikähaarukka todennäköisempi.
Toki myös tuon detaljin vuoksi. Kiistatonta lienee kuitenkin, että silminnäkijöiden, mm. tarkkoja havaintoja epäiltyjen ulkonäöstä tekemään koulutetun vanhemman partiopoliisin antama todistus on tässä se merkittävin seikka Zodiacin ikää arvioitaessa.
Tästä Fouken ja Zelmsin näköhavainnon painoarvosta on toki keskusteltu aika paljon (kuinka tarkasti he oikeasti näkivät tämän miehen?) Joka tapauksessa olen aivan samaa mieltä siitä, että he ovat luotettavimmat silminnäkijät (Bryan Hartnell ehkä vielä luotettavampi mutta ei koskaan nähnyt zodiakin kasvoja)
Kerrotko vielä miksi Hartnell on mielestäsi mahdollisesti konstaapeli Foukea luotettavampi silminnäkijä Zodiacin ikää arvioitaessa, vaikkei hän Zodiacin kasvoja nähnytkään?

Fouke tarkkaili Zodiacia partioautosta n. 15 sekunnin ajan ja hän kykeni kuvailemaan tämän mm. hiustyyliä ja - väriä. On spekuloitu hänen jopa puhuttaneen Zodiacia mutta se lienee pelkkää Zodiacin itsensä (kirjeessään) ja myöhemmin Graysmithin (kirjassaan) luomaa legendaa. Fouke nimenomaan kielsi puhuttaneensa Zodiacia, kuten myös kielsi havaitsemansa miehen olleen Arthur Leigh Allen.

Fouken kuvaus Zodiacista, raportistaan:

“The suspect that was observed by officer Fouke was a WMA 35-45 Yrs about five-foot, ten inches, 180-200 pounds. Medium heavy build- Barrel chested- Medium complexion- Light-colored hair possibly greying in rear. (May have been lighting that caused this effect.) Crew cut- wearing glasses- Dressed in dark blue waist length zipper type jacket (Navy or royal blue) Elastic cuffs and waist band zipped part way up. Brown wool pants pleated type baggy in rear (Rust brown) May have been wearing low cut shoes. Subject at no time appeared to be in a hurry walking with a shuffling lope, Slightly bent forward. The subject’s general appearance- Welsh ancestry.”

Käsittääkseni tämän tason kuvauksen perusteella voidaan silminnäkijän eli konstaapeli Fouken päätellä nähneen mitä todennäköisimmin Zodiacin vähintäänkin melko tarkasti.

Kuva Fouken raportista:

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In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

Fouken viittaus walesilaiseen syntyperään ("the subjects general appearance - Welsh ancestry" ) on erikoinen.

Keskustelupalstoilla on epäilty Zodiacin muistuttaneen walesilaista näyttelijä Richard Burtonia vuoden 1966 draamaelokuvassa Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ... Tai tuoneen Foukelle mielleyhtymän enoistaan, jotka olivat kotoisin Walesista.

Mielestäni Zodiac on enemmän Gregory Peckin näköinen.

Joku väittää, että Zodiacin vartalotyyppi toi Fouken mieleen walesilaisen kaivostyöntekijän yleisen olemuksen (näin Fouke kuulemma itse on asiaa kysyttäessä vastannut).
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In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Christopher Lorenzo
Viestit: 1525
Liittynyt: La Kesä 27, 2020 8:28 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja Neo7 »

LexVeritas kirjoitti: Pe Loka 28, 2022 4:58 pm Fouken viittaus walesilaiseen syntyperään ("the subjects general appearance - Welsh ancestry" ) on erikoinen.

Keskustelupalstoilla on epäilty Zodiacin muistuttaneen walesilaista näyttelijä Richard Burtonia vuoden 1966 draamaelokuvassa Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ... Tai tuoneen Foukelle mielleyhtymän enoistaan, jotka olivat kotoisin Walesista.

Mielestäni Zodiac on enemmän Gregory Peckin näköinen.

Joku väittää, että Zodiacin vartalotyyppi toi Fouken mieleen walesilaisen kaivostyöntekijän yleisen olemuksen (näin Fouke kuulemma itse on asiaa kysyttäessä vastannut).
Taisi olla jonkin noiden viimeaikaisten linkkien takana oleva juttu (mutta en ole ihan varma, kun tulin yöllä selanneeksi vähän muitakin), jossa mainittiin Doerrin käyttäneen hennaa hiuksiinsa siihen aikaan, kun silminnäkijä sanoi hänen hiustensa punertaneen. Eli itse yhdistän sen tuohon hiusten punertavaan sävyyn.
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

Neo7 kirjoitti: Pe Loka 28, 2022 5:59 pm
LexVeritas kirjoitti: Pe Loka 28, 2022 4:58 pm Fouken viittaus walesilaiseen syntyperään ("the subjects general appearance - Welsh ancestry" ) on erikoinen.

Keskustelupalstoilla on epäilty Zodiacin muistuttaneen walesilaista näyttelijä Richard Burtonia vuoden 1966 draamaelokuvassa Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ... Tai tuoneen Foukelle mielleyhtymän enoistaan, jotka olivat kotoisin Walesista.

Mielestäni Zodiac on enemmän Gregory Peckin näköinen.

Joku väittää, että Zodiacin vartalotyyppi toi Fouken mieleen walesilaisen kaivostyöntekijän yleisen olemuksen (näin Fouke kuulemma itse on asiaa kysyttäessä vastannut).
Taisi olla jonkin noiden viimeaikaisten linkkien takana oleva juttu (mutta en ole ihan varma, kun tulin yöllä selanneeksi vähän muitakin), jossa mainittiin Doerrin käyttäneen hennaa hiuksiinsa siihen aikaan, kun silminnäkijä sanoi hänen hiustensa punertaneen. Eli itse yhdistän sen tuohon hiusten punertavaan sävyyn.
Hieno huomio Doerrin tukkalaitteesta...

Tästlähtein aion käyttää Doerrista tuttavallista nimitystä Dörtsi.

Sukunimi juontaa juurensa Itävallasta: Kantasuvun vaakunassa seisova motto on sama kuin jesuiittaveljeskunnalla:

ad majorem Dei gloriam

lyhennettynä käytettynä AMDG

suom. "Kaikki Jumalan suuremmaksi kunniaksi"

Siitäpä luontevasti Dörtsille oma Zodiac-ristilogo:

https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=htt ... egUIARDMAQ
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-Ai, sä oot. Mä en, veli.
Jopi ja genesis
‏אלהים‎ Sten näin Isä
ykseydellä Raidaa
Sepä Elia Me ts. Kaa
naassa ja

In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

Neo7 kirjoitti: Pe Loka 28, 2022 2:38 am En ehdi enää muokkaamaan edellistä viestiäni, mutta ei sanottukaan suoraan, että Doerr opetti tyttärelleen veitsen käsittelyä (vaikka opetti itsepuolustusta, ilmoitti karatekurssille ja vei metsästysretkille), vaan tytär sanoi, että Doerr kantoi joskus mukanaan suurta metsästysveistä sekä kahta ladattua pistoolia; yhtä kummassakin taskussa.

edit: Tytär kertoo molempien vanhempiensa olleen vainoharhaisia, ja kotiin oli kätketty aseita joka puolelle. Hän arvelee, että isäänsä vaikutti se kun osallistui WWll:een ja Korean sotaan. Ihan sotamies siis. Mitenkähän tuokin on, jos Doerr:n armeijatiedoissa ei ole merkintää merentakaisesta palveluksesta?

Eikä sitäkään voi jättää noteeraamatta, että ensimmäinen Zodiacin tekemäksi tiedetty hyökkäys sattui samaan aikaan, ellei jooa samana päivänä, kuin Doerrin tytär oli karannut kotoa Doerrin melkein tappaessa hänet. Monta kertaa muutenkin saattanut tyttärensä kuolemanvaaraan omilla teoillaan.

https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/zod ... red-doerr/
Näiden uusien Zodiac- kandidaattien kannalta on aina epäilyttävää käänteisessä mielessä, kun heidän tsodiakkimaisia luonteenpiirteitään luettelee suoraan alenevassa polvessa oleva sukulainen.
Tässäkin tapauksessa tytär puhunee soopaa ainakin Dorrin asepalvelukseen liittyen.

Paul Alfred Doerr astui palvelukseen vasta 13.4.1945 ja vapautui jo 2.3.1946. Voidaan siis ehkä sanoa, että hänen osallistumisensa II maailmansotaan ja Korean sotaan ovat hyvin vahvasti liioiteltuja väitteitä.

Seuraava, jo vuonna 2015 julkaistu juttu pitää sisällään Dörtsin suppean elämänkerran, ja mm. monenlaista tarinaa Dörtsistä "yliluonnollisten" ilmiöiden harrastajana:

Paul Doerr as a Fortean

An adventurous Fortean—on the lookout for monsters of mountainous caves.

Paul Alfred Doerr, Jr., was born 1 April 1927—and that apparently wasn’t a joke—to Paul and Mary Doerr. They lived in Sharon, Pennsylvania, where Paul senior worked in a steel mill. Paul and Mary wed sometime around 1925. By 1930, they were living in a rented house (sans radio) along with Paul senior’s mother, also named Mary. (Conversations had to be confusing, or there must have been nicknames.) Another family was living with them, too, relatives, Vance S. and Anna J. Bowen. Vance worked in a grocery store.

In February 1936, Mary Doerr, the younger, divorced Paul on the grounds of “indignities to the person,” which roughly is equivalent to the mental cruelty of today. The divorce made the papers (though the city directory listed them as married for a few more years). Paul moved out, and his mother became head of the household. The 1940 census had her at home, along with her own daughter, Alice, her daughter-in-law, Mary, and Paul. The two sisters-in-law worked at a bakery, Alice as a clerk, Mary as a baker; Paul was in school. Much later, he would remember his childhood fondly—it was when he started learning the survivalist techniques he would refine throughout his life. He wrote,

“When a kid, we would go out for weeks with only what we could carry: a bottle of water, a bag of ground grains, maybe salt, a blanket, a knife & digger, a pan or pot, and a gun or bow. We could eat only what we got that day. I also had a small seine since minnows are handier than bigger fish. The blanket had a slit in the center and was blanket, serape, carry-pack, etc.”
It may have been these outdoor adventures that led him to an early interest in mysterious animals, apemen and yetis, which he developed while still in his teens. In 1946, N. Meade Layne, the esotericist, reported that he’d been in contact with Doerr—and it’s the same Doerr, as Layne gave his address—in regards to the Abominable Snowman, which was a topic of conversation among Forteans—see Donn Brazier—just before it became a public spectacle in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Kayne wrote in Round Robin, that he had published some notes on Tibetan ape-men in another of his publications “The Flying Roll,” that data having been compiled and supplied by Doerr, Layne described the creature “human-like beings of great size, often seen at a distance by American airmen. Close encounters with them have also been reported, and the total accumulation of fact and legend is very considerable.” He was convinced that they were nature spirits—appearing here through the ether by altering their density. It’s not known if Doerr shared this esoteric interpretation of the beasts, but that he was in correspondence with Layne at all—that he knew of his existence—strongly suggests that Doerr was reading on occult topics.

Doerr does not seem to have attended college. He joined the military on 13 April 1945, not even two weeks after he turned 18, and remained in it for just over a year, finally honorably discharged on 2 March 1946. He would later claim that he was in the Marines and taught survival skills. The Pennsylvania Application for World War II Compensation listed him as in the navy (there was a separate, unchecked box for marines) and separating from the military at Great Lakes, Illinois, having done strictly domestic service. He may have suffered some sort of injury, as he applied for special pension, but was denied.

His military career finished, Doerr returned to Sharon and went to work in the steel mills. He was married no later than 1949 to a woman named Rose—they were in that year’s city directory. Rose was a few months his senior, born 23 September 1924. His father remarried, too, and about the same time—a 1949 marriage to Elizabeth Zimmerman in Arkansas. I’m not sure of why he did so in that state, since both he and Elizabeth were from Pennsylvania, and returned there, too, he continuing to work in the mills, eventually as a foreman. I’m not sure what happened to Paul, Jr.’s mother, Mary: she was listed as a baker in city directories into the 1950s, then no more, probably having remarried. Paul, Jr., and Rose remained in Sharon at least until 1959, Paul never rising as high as foremen. He was involved in real estate transactions, though, and would later claim to have lived very primitively on a large tract of land with a house from the 1800s during some portion of this period. Rose and Paul had a daughter, Gloria, around 1952. As far as I know, she was their only child.

Some time after 1959 but before 1963, he moved to California’s Solano County—the easternmost of the Bay Area counties, just bleeding into the Great Central Valley. By his own account, the move was an adventure. He sailed an 18-foot sloop out of Lake Erie and around to California, apparently via Central America—at least he was in Central America at one point, and the way he told the story of his life to Backwoods Home Magazine in 2001 it seemed as though many of the adventures he had were as part of this trip: he hunted rattlesnake and fished shark; he scraped barnacles from boats and dove for sunken galleons. And he killed a jaguar with a sword and spear: “I had drunk too much or I never would have taken that challenge. That thing walked up, looked at me, buffed its claws a couple times, smiled and said, ‘Dinner!” A friend there with him, experienced with jaguars, told him the right way to attack the beast. There’s no mention of his wife and daughter on this voyage, so presumably they made their own way to California.

That he was in California by 1963 is proved by a newspaper advertisement, in which he was looking for a boat with a livable cabin (apparently to establish his family in); his address was given as Fairfield, California. Records indicate that he moved a bit, between Fairfield and Vallejo, and Suisun, but there doesn’t seem to be a good reason to rehearse the exact order of his different residences. Otherwise, I’m not quite sure what he was up to during the 1960s. He was associated with science fiction, through the National Fantasy Fan, a fan organization, advertising for magazines on Alaska and the desert in 1969. He apparently also became drawn to Mt. Shasta—no surprise given his interest in adventures and also in esotericism and mysterious creatures, since by the early 1960s Shasta had taken on a sacred dimension for many occultists, and was associated with both the lost continent of Lemur and Bigfoot.

In 1964, the Redding (California) Search Light ran a story on the hunt for Lemurians near Shasta. There was by now a long tradition claiming that Shasta was a refuge for Lemurians who—as in the legend of Shangri La—stored forgotten knowledge in the mountain’s caves. Footprints seen in the area had been attributed to them, although after 1958 the tendency was to connect the footprints and mysterious beings in the area with Bigfoot. Indeed, one of the article’s authors was Garth Sanders, who had been on the Bigfoot beat for the paper since the beginning. The other author was Paul Doerr. How he became associated with Sanders or Shasta is unknown. But he would come to have a number of stories about the Mountain (which was several hundred miles from his home in Solano county).

One tale had him finding an odd ruby in the area, which an acquaintance crushed by hand. Shards of it supposedly went to some museums. That time, Doerr followed a ground squirrel to a cave, which he was able to explore. Another—or perhaps an elaboration of that first one?—told of him discovering a large room in a cave, at the center of which was a crystal. He picked it up, and boulders began crashing around him—think Indiana Jones—apparently to squash him. His only means of escape was deeper through the cave and an underground body of water. He never did return to that cavern, though he had thought it might be the source of a number of odd footprints seen in the area.

Doerr said, “I like people with courage and intelligence. . . . Doers, not sitters and explain how-to.” Whether he recognized the pun his own name played with those attributes, he seemed to be a doer himself, if his stories are to be believed (and I have no reason not to believe them). I cannot quite get all of his activities straightened out chronologically, nor do I really see the need at this point. But he was active with a lot of hobbies throughout the end of the century and slightly into the next one. I’m not sure what he did for money. His daughter married in 1972, and the next year he reported he was building his own boat and contemplating a worldwide sailing trip. I don’t know if he followed through on that or not. He raised pigeons. He raised fish. He played around with hydroponics, so that he could sail a ship and always have fresh vegetables. He raised bees.

In the 1980s—if not earlier—he produced a rah of ‘zines, many of them distributed on microfiche. These dealt with intentional communities, intentional families (including polygamous ones), survivalism (later, in the ‘90s, he published an article on camping tricks for a scouting magazine), independent living, sustainability, tropical fish, and science fiction—indeed, his Luna Publications was listed in a number of Writer’s Markets for science fiction authors, though it is unlikely he paid much if at all. His politics leaned strongly libertarian—with publications such as “Pioneer”—and, at least toward the end of his life, were associated with he right wings of that movement. (He wrote a letter recommending that crime could be curtailed by torturing drug dealers to reveal their suppliers, who would then be tortured, on and on, each level of the criminal hierarchy executed, up to and including the billionaires.)

The ‘zines, and he, had an aversion to cities, and as late as 2001 he was hoping to escape even further into the boonies. His libertarianism could curdle into resentment, and by the end of the century he was frustrated that the government had failed to support the exploration of space. (There was an interesting paradox in his writing: a celebration of the primitive paired with a keen interest in the latest technology, and how it could be used to make an individual even less dependent upon the rest of society.) Instead of spacer exploration, he explained, politicians spent money on re-election. Besides, they were afraid of the libertarian implications of space exploration—again that paradox, pining for a giant government program to subsidize, without recognition, individual liberty—writing in 2002, “People in space would be out of the direct control of the masters of the Earth. Read how difficult it was for the European masters to maintain rule over people in colonies scattered all over the world . . .“Living in space is simple, inexpensive, easy, efficient if ‘balanced aquarium’ principe is used. I kept a sealed, balanced aquarium going for a couple of years.” He thought the aim should be the moon—perhaps that was why he named his publishing company Luna Ventures?—and not Mars, because Mars’s environment was simply too inhospitable, while the moon could be survived by—wait for it—digging caverns deep under the surface. Caves, again.

Doerr continued to write about underground races late into his life, his enthusiasm outliving the height of the Shaver Mystery, which reigned when he was in his early 20s. And his name still appears, mostly vaporously, in explorations of underground races, fringe books and and internet websites.

Paul Doerr died 2 August 2007. He was 82.

Juttu jatkuu...

https://www.google.fi/url?sa=i&url=http ... kDegQIARAk
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In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

Dörtsin kirjoituksia Tightbeam-lehden heinäkuun numerosta 59 vuodelta 1970:

Box 1444 I Vallejo, / Calif. 94590

The postal rates never stop increasing, I hear they will rise again, We
should all use only stamps on our letters, that is a protest the PO will
notice when they must start hand canceling all the mail. Maybe our sticky
fingered public servants in Wash, will come up with a better solution than
just shafting the suckers again. Another idea is to send in the postage paid
orders in all junk mail, then without opening package, mark return to sender and
give back to the mailman. The PO has been forced by the poverty fighters to
hire many people who don't know how to and don't want to work on mail. The
Chicago Xmas tie up is an instance, according to postal authorities. In the
government installation, where I work an order came in to hire a certain number
of poverty people. At the same time an order came in to reduce the total
number of employees to a particular figure. The number already employed was
over that figure. People were discharged to reach the authorized figure.
And more to allow for the poverty hires.

I enjoy s&s but a little more imagination would be nice. Ever notice,
all the heros are big, strong, smart — but wild barbarians from the north?
How.about an overfed, soft, not-too-bright semi-illiterate who can't break
chains, castle walls and heads with his bare "hands for a change?

ghl: Does everyone really have the right to decide if he will or won't
smoke? What of the non-smokers around him who must breathe his smoke (his "used"
smoke)? Does.he have the right to smoke among people and inflict his disease
and filth on them? Does he have the right to set an example for others?
//The answer is a qualified "yes." If the conditions are such that people are
"trapped," i.e. aboard an airplane, train, etc. and the smokers are not provided
with a proper place to gather (like a smoking car) then they do not have the
right to smoke (morally) since they are inflicting others who cannot choose to
leave. However, in private places (homes, cars, etc.) where a smoker may choose
to smoke I may choose to leave. This all supposes that the government doesn't
just issue a blanket ban on smoking as they have on burning refuse in many places.
Then, presumably, they must not smoke.for the general common, good. But in no case
should smoking be denied a person on the grounds that it's bad for him. It's
his funeral, ghl//

Eli Cohen: It may. not be fair to force a foreign writer to write in
English to have his stories considered by English speaking people, but if we
read only English and he wants us to read his story, then he must write in
English. By the way, I’m answering your answer to my letter. I haven’t
seen the ish with my letter. Lost in the mail, I suppose. Recently a
great pile of mail was recovered under an old porch. The mad1 man lightened
his pack regularly.

Why don’t you people with fanzines check into the N3F APA? All you need
publish is six pages every six months (that’s three sheets) which shouldn’t
be too difficult. Tolkien & ERB, etc. would find themselves among friends.
Is anyone around the Bay interested in skin diving or sailing?

//it recently came to my attention that there is a much better way to cancel the
mail. The stamps must be printed with a chemical which changes color (say a dark
purple) when exposed to some specific gas. The letters are simple shanken up in
an atmosphere of the specific gas and the stamps (all or some part) change color.
Then the mail is sorted and handled regular way. There are many difficulties
with this, primarily the availability of older stamps which the government must
still honor, but the true bulk of the mail could be handled this "new" way.
Do we have any chemists out there who could suggest the proper chemicals for
this approach? ghl//

Ihme postimerkkikapina-hihhuli.

En ihmettele, jos joku "hehkuttaa" Dörtsiä Zodiaciksi. Onhan tyylissänsä häivähdys tuttua juttua malliin

"Being that you will not wear some nice ⌖ buttons, how about wearing some nasty ⌖ buttons."


Ainakaan ei Zodiac tuhlannut määrällisesti postimerkkejä heinäkuun lähetyksessään vuonna 1970 - Käytti vain yhden 6 centin Franklin D. Rooseveltin.
5 no viisia Perhettä
Puu elohim jahvella
-Ai, sä oot. Mä en, veli.
Jopi ja genesis
‏אלהים‎ Sten näin Isä
ykseydellä Raidaa
Sepä Elia Me ts. Kaa
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In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

Heinäkuun 26. päivän "Little list" - kirje vuodelta 1970 vielä kokonaisuudessaan (vaikkapa vertailtavaksi Dörtsin Tightbeam-lehden jaarituksiin)

Kirjeen "lauluosuus" lainailee Gilbert ja Sullivanin biisiä "As some day it may happen" operetista Mikado vuodelta 1887.

This is the Zodiac speaking

Being that you will not wear some nice ⌖ buttons, how about wearing some nasty ⌖ buttons. Or any type of ⌖ buttons that you can think up. If you do not wear any type of ⌖ buttons, I shall (on top of everything else) torture all 13 of my slaves that I have wateing for me in Paradice. Some I shall tie over ant hills and watch them scream & twich and sqwirm. Others shall have pine splinters driven under their nails & then burned. Others shall be placed in cages & fed salt beef untill they are gorged then I shall listen to their pleass for water and I shall laugh at them. Others will hang by their thumbs & burn in the sun then I will rub them down with deep heat to warm them up. Others I shall skin them alive & let them run around screaming. And all billiard players I shall have them play in a darkened dungen cell with crooked cues & Twisted Shoes. Yes I shall have great fun inflicting the most delicious of pain to my slaves

SFPD=0 ⌖ =13

As some day it may hapen that a victom must be found. I've got a little list. I've got a little list, of society offenders who might well be underground who would never be missed who would never be missed. There is the pestulentual nucences who whrite for autographs, all people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs. All children who are up in dates and implore you with im platt. All people who are shakeing hands shake hands like that. And all third persons who with unspoiling take thoes who insist. They'd none of them be missed. They'd none of them be missed. There's the banjo seranader and the others of his race and the piano orginast I got him on the list. All people who eat pepermint and phomphit in your face, they would never be missed They would never be missed And the Idiout who phraises with inthusastic tone of centuries but this and every country but his own. And the lady from the provences who dress like a guy who doesn't cry and the singurly abnormily the girl who never kissed. I don't think she would be missed Im shure she wouldn't be missed. And that nice impriest that is rather rife the judicial hummerest I've got him on the list All funny fellows, commic men and clowns of private life. They'd none of them be missed. They'd none of them be missed. And uncompromiseing kind such as wachmacallit, thingmebob, and like wise, well—nevermind, and tut tut tut tut, and whatshisname, and you know who, but the task of filling up the blanks I rather leave up to you. But it really doesn't matter whom you place upon the list, for none of them be missed, none of them be missed.

PS. The Mt. Diablo Code concerns Radians & # inches along the radians
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-Ai, sä oot. Mä en, veli.
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In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

Kutsun Dörtsiä tästä lähtien lyhyemmin Döriksi, tai vielä paremmin kääntäen Rödiksi:

https://www.google.fi/url?sa=i&url=http ... egUIARCyAQ

Rödin kirjoittelua Tightbeam-lehteen toukokuulta 1969:

Box 1444, Vallejo, Calif. 94590.

I like the idea of a Hobby Bureau. Count me a member if/when.
Is it so unusual this country and other English-speaking countries have
had most of the conventions, awards, etc? We have, until recently, had the
field muchly to ourselves. Perhaps Americans are provincial or mentally too
lazy to learn other languages, or perhaps they have felt no need to. Since
we have been "saving" the world regularly and the English have been "ruling"
it, most foreigners seem to have to learn English. I see no reason why foreign authors couldn't send their stories to US prozines and articles to US
fanzines, in English, of course.
Several tries have been made at an International SF organization and I
hope one succeeds. I'd like to join. Also, as transoceanic travel becomes
less expensive, travel to Europe cons will become more common. If air fare
were about $200 round trip tourist class, the cost would be more comparable
to NY to SF.
Would anyone who can carve small wax figures using pictures as guides
write me? I cast metals by the lost wax method and want to make a set of
chessmen-jetan pieces but my carvings aren't worth much. If someone wanted,
we could trade a finished set for two sets of carvings.
I don't understand all the blah about Star Trek, Journey, Lost, etc.
These are not dependent on fan viewers. Their existence depends on the raftings as all big TV does (or on the personalities of some wheel as ghl says;
maybe some female star wouldn’t, or did) and fans are not numerous. I don’t
care for the shows and don’t watch them, but obviously someone does or they
wouldn’t have survived. Our comments won’t have much effect on TV viewers
who have never even heard of N3F. Also, the shows for the first year or so
of any show can be new but then they must become somewhat repetitious.
There is lots of misunderstanding about why a show does or does not get on
the air. Obviously, if a show has broad support (due to a big star in the
cast like Bob Hope, say) it goes on. Sponsers are easy to find. When two
shows of equal level and production costs with no controversy problem compete
for a slot the network will choose the one that is easier to sell. And sponsers pay for what they understand. Given a choice between investing a fairly
large amount of money to advertise a product (or worse yet, a choice without
any sponser yet, now that networks are producing their own work and selling
it piecemeal) what gets chosen: a way out Buck Rogers type thing or a nice
safe Western, Comedy, or Crime show? I give you one guess,
I’m not sure what new wave is, but I read for pleasure: New Wave, Old
Wave, or any wave if it's readable and interesting. If it isn't why read it?
£ If you're a critic, OK, cut it up. If you want a message, read religious
tracts. If you want an education, go to school. Personally, I like
opera, ERB, Thorne Smith, Merritt, and Haggard. And their imitators.
A aside: I am always surprised when someone says he reads a book to the end
even when he doesn't like it. Why finish a book you don't like? Drop it
when you no longer find you are enjoying it. Unless, of course, you are a
critic and it's part of your job.
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In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Viestit: 90
Liittynyt: Ti Kesä 09, 2020 10:44 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja Huopa »

LexVeritas kirjoitti: Pe Loka 28, 2022 2:03 pm
Huopa kirjoitti: Pe Loka 28, 2022 1:03 pm
LexVeritas kirjoitti: Pe Loka 28, 2022 6:37 am

Toki myös tuon detaljin vuoksi. Kiistatonta lienee kuitenkin, että silminnäkijöiden, mm. tarkkoja havaintoja epäiltyjen ulkonäöstä tekemään koulutetun vanhemman partiopoliisin antama todistus on tässä se merkittävin seikka Zodiacin ikää arvioitaessa.
Tästä Fouken ja Zelmsin näköhavainnon painoarvosta on toki keskusteltu aika paljon (kuinka tarkasti he oikeasti näkivät tämän miehen?) Joka tapauksessa olen aivan samaa mieltä siitä, että he ovat luotettavimmat silminnäkijät (Bryan Hartnell ehkä vielä luotettavampi mutta ei koskaan nähnyt zodiakin kasvoja)
Kerrotko vielä miksi Hartnell on mielestäsi mahdollisesti konstaapeli Foukea luotettavampi silminnäkijä Zodiacin ikää arvioitaessa, vaikkei hän Zodiacin kasvoja nähnytkään?

Fouke tarkkaili Zodiacia partioautosta n. 15 sekunnin ajan ja hän kykeni kuvailemaan tämän mm. hiustyyliä ja - väriä. On spekuloitu hänen jopa puhuttaneen Zodiacia mutta se lienee pelkkää Zodiacin itsensä (kirjeessään) ja myöhemmin Graysmithin (kirjassaan) luomaa legendaa. Fouke nimenomaan kielsi puhuttaneensa Zodiacia, kuten myös kielsi havaitsemansa miehen olleen Arthur Leigh Allen.

Fouken kuvaus Zodiacista, raportistaan:

“The suspect that was observed by officer Fouke was a WMA 35-45 Yrs about five-foot, ten inches, 180-200 pounds. Medium heavy build- Barrel chested- Medium complexion- Light-colored hair possibly greying in rear. (May have been lighting that caused this effect.) Crew cut- wearing glasses- Dressed in dark blue waist length zipper type jacket (Navy or royal blue) Elastic cuffs and waist band zipped part way up. Brown wool pants pleated type baggy in rear (Rust brown) May have been wearing low cut shoes. Subject at no time appeared to be in a hurry walking with a shuffling lope, Slightly bent forward. The subject’s general appearance- Welsh ancestry.”

Käsittääkseni tämän tason kuvauksen perusteella voidaan silminnäkijän eli konstaapeli Fouken päätellä nähneen mitä todennäköisimmin Zodiacin vähintäänkin melko tarkasti.

Kuva Fouken raportista:

En tässä pyri mitenkään vähättelemään Fouken arvoa silminnäkijänä, mutta itse sanoisin että Hartnellin Zodiacin kanssa viettämät (kymmenet?) minuutit ovat parempi aika kokonaiskuvan muodostamiseen kuin 15 sekuntia. Tässä täytyy nyt ottaa huomioon, että jos virallinen tarina on oikea eivätkä Fouke ja Zelms koskaan puhuneet Zodiacille mitään, he korkeintaan näkivät zodiacin muutamia sekunteja. Todennäköisesti jos virallinen tarina pitää paikkansa näköhavainto olisi ollut mahdollisesti ehkä vähemmänkin kuin tuo 15 sekuntia, sillä miksi Fouke olisi seurannut valkoista miestä ajaessaan sen pitempään nähtyään hänen ihonvärinsä. Tuossahan välissä poliisiradiosta tullut virheellinen tieto mustasta tekijästä oli se, mitä poliisit etsivät.
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

En minäkään tässä pyri vähättelemään Hartnellin huomioita, mutta tässä täytyy ottaa nyt huomioon se seikka, ettei hän nähnyt Zodiacin pläsiä sekunninkaan vertaa. Ruskeaa, rasvaista tukkaa näki vilauksen, muuta ei.
Mielestäni on niin ja näin ollen selvä asia, että Fouken ja Paul Stinen murhan silminnäkijöiden arvio Zodiacin iästä (n. 40 vuotta) on luotettavin, ja syyllistä tulee etsiä ensisijaisesti ikäryhmästä 35-45 v.
Jankuttaakseni totean, ettei Paul Doerria voi ikänsä puolesta sulkea pois, vaan päinvastoin: Hän on ikänsä puolesta erinomainen ehdokas Zodiaciksi.
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In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

"Personally, I like opera, ERB, Thorne Smith, Merritt, and Haggard. And their imitators."

Pelkästään jo siinä on paljon perattavaa, jos on aikaa ja haluja. Arvelen, että Yhdysvalloissa on.
Gilbert ja Sullivanin operettien sopivuuden lisäksi, esim. Thorne Smithin teos Skin and Bones vuodelta 1933 saattaisi hyvinkin sisältää jotain viitteitä mm. Halloween-korttiin.
5 no viisia Perhettä
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In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Jane Marple
Viestit: 1076
Liittynyt: To Heinä 19, 2007 5:37 pm
Paikkakunta: Tshernobyl, UKR

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja Quorthon »

Mun mielestä Doerr kirjoittaa vähän liian sofistikoituneesti ollakseen Zodiac. Hänet voisi kuvitella tällaisena joviaalina seuramiehenä, joka jaksaa keskustella eksentrisistä aiheista aamutunnille viihdyttäen seuruetta samalla. Zodiac puhui kömpelösti kuin omaisi lievän aivovamman, ja myös kirjoitti vähän sinnepäin. Doerrista saa Zodiaciksi liian ulospäinsuuntautuneen kuvan kiinnostuksenkohteistaan huolimatta. Tässä on taas menty vähän liian pitkälle pienten yhtäläisyyksien takia.
Ari-Pekka Israfel Shamballah Kurttusen jengi:

Quorthon, Tampereen Tyttö, Awa, LexVeritas, HSJ-Kuljetus, Ultra-Violence, Kunto Kalpa, Konsta...

Michael Knight
Viestit: 4211
Liittynyt: Ke Loka 13, 2021 8:07 pm

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja LexVeritas »

^Kenties, kenties. On kuitenkin monia hauskoja yhteensattumuksia. Esimerkiksi jo mainitsemani Doerrin kantasuvun vaakunassa seisova motto Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=htt ... kDegQIARBl

, joka on siis sama kuin jesuiittojen tunnuslause ( suom. "Jumalan suuremmaksi kunniaksi"), jonka visuaaliseen esilletuontiin liitetään yleensä sanojen alkukirjaimet AMDG ristin kera ja usein ympyröitynä.

5 no viisia Perhettä
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-Ai, sä oot. Mä en, veli.
Jopi ja genesis
‏אלהים‎ Sten näin Isä
ykseydellä Raidaa
Sepä Elia Me ts. Kaa
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In Omnibus Veritas Suprema Lex Esto
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4320
Liittynyt: To Touko 31, 2007 2:23 am

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja ABC »

Käsialan perusteella Doerr ei ole Zodiac. Myös hänen nenänsä on mielestäni väärän mallinen verrattuna silminnäkijäpiirrokseen - tosin ne eivät usein ole kovin luonnollisia. Ulkonäössä ei myöskään ole mitään Walesiin viittaavaa, ja tuo huomiohan tuli harjaantuneimmalta havaitsijalta.

Oma käsitykseni on ollut, että Zodiac oli henkilö, jolla oli jonkinlaisia suuruuskuvitelmia, machiavellismia siis, sadismin ja psykopatian lisäksi. Hän kompensoi sillä jotain, sanoisin että hän oli joutunut lähtemään sotilas- tai vastaavalta uralta ongelmien takia. Tekojen aikaan hän asui todennäköisesti yksin. Hänen kiinnostuksensa salakirjoituksiin ja jopa Zodiac-logoon ovat loppujen lopuksi yleisiä piirteitä aikana, jolloin virikkeitä oli rajallinen määrä saatavilla - esimerkiksi tunnettu kellotaulu ja tähtäinkuvio yleensä lienevät inspiroineet tuhansia nuoria miehiä omien logojen väsäämiseen.

Mitä ikäarvioon tulee, ihmisen ilme ja esim. väsymys voivat vaikuttaa aika paljon yleisilmeeseen. Sanoisin silti, että poliisimiehen arvion täytyy pakosta olla lähellä oikeaa kokemuksen vuoksi, ja että Zodiacin ikä olisi siten varmasti ainakin yli 30 vuotta Stinen murhan aikaan.
Every ship must sail a world.
Jane Marple
Viestit: 1076
Liittynyt: To Heinä 19, 2007 5:37 pm
Paikkakunta: Tshernobyl, UKR

Re: Zodiac killer

Viesti Kirjoittaja Quorthon »

Minusta näitä symboli-yhtäläisyyksiä on kaivettu kaikkialta ihan liikaakin. Jos miettii vaikka Voigtin Gaikowski-keissiä, niin se on vangitsevaa luettavaa, mutta siinä vaiheessa kun jokaisesta Gyken artikkelista tai Zodiacin kirjeestä aletaan etsiä hänen syntymäpäiväänsä koodattuna, mennään liiallisuuksiin. Siitä saa upean dekkarin kyllä. Mutta en usko Zodiacin olleen NIIN järjestelmällinen. Eihän murhatkaan olleet. Tuo risti ympyrän sisällä-symboli, sen saa kytkettyä melkein kaikkiin epäiltyihin, jos etsimällä etsii yhteyksiä. Voi olla että Rich Marshallkin vaikka omasi yhden T-paidan, josta tähtäinsymboli löytyy...
Ari-Pekka Israfel Shamballah Kurttusen jengi:

Quorthon, Tampereen Tyttö, Awa, LexVeritas, HSJ-Kuljetus, Ultra-Violence, Kunto Kalpa, Konsta...

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