Espanjan kadonneet nuoret

Spekulointia kadonneista henkilöistä.
Viestit: 554
Liittynyt: To Heinä 19, 2007 10:58 pm

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kataja »

Kiitos siirrosta. Aliarvioin foorumin valppauden ja jätin haun suorittamatta, eipä tule toistumaan.

Hyvä jos saadaan päivitystä, koska Suomen media varmaan unohtaa tämän tapauksen jollei nouse kansainvälisiin otsikoihin uudelleen. Itse en ollut edes tietoinen että tapaus on Espanjassa näin suuri uutinen.
Jessica Fletcher
Viestit: 3334
Liittynyt: Ma Maalis 26, 2007 7:26 pm
Paikkakunta: Costa del Crime

Viesti Kirjoittaja EuroJR »

Mtv3-Uutiset kirjoitti:Kanarian lasten sieppauksissa pidätys
14.01.2008 11:47

Pidätetty mies yritti lahjoa pikkutyttöä autoonsa viiden euron setelillä.

Espanjan poliisi on tehnyt pidätyksen Kanariansaarilla tapahtuneiden lasten katoamisten tiimoilta. Pidätettynä oleva 37-vuotias rakennustyömies oli viranomaisten mukaan yrittänyt lahjoa 10-vuotiasta tyttöä mukaan autoonsa toissa viikon perjantaina. Tapaus sattui Telden kunnassa sijaitsevassa La Garitan rantakaupungissa. Houkuttimenaan mies oli käyttänyt viiden euron seteliä.

Poliisi pidätti miehen viime viikon lopulla tytön tunnistettua hänet valokuvista. Miehen epäillään syyllistyneen myös kahteen muhuun viimeaikaiseen tytön sieppaamiseen samalla alueella Gran Canarian saarella. 7-vuotias Yeremi Vargas katosi viime vuoden maaliskuussa ja 14-vuotias Sara Morales on puolestaan ollut on ollut teillä tietämättömillä heinäkuusta 2006.

Pidätetyn miehen entinen työpaikka sijaitsee vanhassa eläinkrematoriossa. Poliisiviranomaiset selvittävät parhaillaan kuuluvatko krematorion uunista löytyneet luiden jäänteet eläimille vai ihmisille. Lisäksi miehen mahdollista yhteyttä Portugalissa kadonneeseen brittityttöön Madeleine McCanniin tutkitaan.
Elämme mielenkiintoisia aikoja...

edit: tähän Yeremin "etsintäsivu" ... EAodByrTcw
Jessica Fletcher
Viestit: 3334
Liittynyt: Ma Maalis 26, 2007 7:26 pm
Paikkakunta: Costa del Crime

Viesti Kirjoittaja EuroJR »

Daily Record kirjoittaa:
Poliisi tutkii kadonneen pojan tapauksen yhteyttä Madeleine McCann:in katoamiseen.

Jeremy Vargas katosi Kanarialla vain kahdeksan viikkoa ennen Madeleinea. Asiaa tutkivat etsivät ovat kertoneet, että tekevät nyt yhteistyötä Portugalin poliisin kanssa.

Tämä käänne lisää painoa Katen ja Gerryn väitteille tyttärensä kaappauksesta - ja siitä että he ovat syyttömiä.

Jeremyn äiti Ithaisa Suarez, 24, kertoi tapausten yhteneväisyyksistä - ja kuinka hän uskoo molempien lasten yhä olevan elossa. Poliisi on kertonut hänelle, että epäilyksen alaisena on kansainvälinen lasten salakuljetusrengas. Ithaisa uskoo molempien lasten joutuneen kaapatuksi ja myydyksi eteenpäin.

Jeremy katosi leikkiessään kotinsa lähellä 10. marraskuuta 2007.

Ithaisa haluaa tavata Katen ja Gerryn, kuten myös kadonneen Mari Luz Cortesin vanhemmat, kiinnittääkseen tapauksiin lisää kansainvälistä huomiota. Hän oli myös ensimmäinen äiti, joka samankaltaisen tragedian koskettamana otti yhteyttä Madeleinen vanhempiin. He vaihtoivat muutaman kirjeen keskenään.

"Meidän tulee pitää yhtä ja tehdä ihmisille selväksi, ettemme ole luopuneet toivosta löytää lapsemme."

Clarence Mitchell, McCannien edustaja kertoo: "Olemme hyvin kiitollisia Vargasin perheen tuesta. Katella ja Gerryllä on myös Jeremy ajatuksissaan seurana" ... start=1425 Madeleinen katoamisketjuun
Jessica Fletcher
Viestit: 3334
Liittynyt: Ma Maalis 26, 2007 7:26 pm
Paikkakunta: Costa del Crime

Viesti Kirjoittaja EuroJR »

Kopsataas tähän CostaDelCrimen uusinta raportointia. Liittyköön sitten tapaukseen tai ei. Laitan pariin toiseenkin ketjuun tämän saman.
Spanish press reports the attempted abduction of british child on the Costa del Sol. The mother-of-two revealed how the 11-year-old stepped in when an African man tried to lure the two-year-old British holidaymaker into his van with the help of a cat.
The housewife, who lives in Marbella, told how after taking photographs from his van, the man in his 30s held the animal out to be stroked.
But just as the toddler started to pet the cat, her son Ben pulled him away.
“He is pretty clued up and realised what was going on,” she revealed.
“He grabbed the little boy’s hand and said ‘no, no, no’ before running back to us.
“You can say he has became a bit of a hero.”
While police have not been able to identify the culprit, a Nigerian man was charged last week with the attempted snatch of a Spanish two-year-old in Málaga a fortnight ago.
In the terrifying incident in the Rosaleda shopping centre, the 32-year-old man, whose name was given as Oduwa O, tried to grab the toddler out of his grandmother’s arms.
Incredibly, there have already been 22 reported abduction attempts of children across Spain so far this year, with Amy Fitzpatrick in Mijas and Mari luz in Huelva still missing.
Jessica Fletcher
Viestit: 3334
Liittynyt: Ma Maalis 26, 2007 7:26 pm
Paikkakunta: Costa del Crime

Viesti Kirjoittaja EuroJR »

The Mirror:
A BANDONED in the gutter of the quiet street, the little yellow bucket could have been dropped by any small child or harassed mum.

But for Ithaisa Suarez, the toy meant something much more significant - it was the last link to her little boy. A final reminder of the moments before seven-year-old Jeremy disappeared.

He went missing just eight weeks before Madeleine McCann while he was playing outside his home in Gran Canaria.

Now police in Spain and Portugal are trying to link the cases of various missing children to that of Maddy, including Jeremy's.

His mother is convinced there must be a connection and hopes to finally get answers about her son's case, almost a year after he disappeared.

Ithaisa, 24, vividly remembers the last time she saw her son. "I came back from the shops with my mother and saw Jeremy playing alone, filling his yellow bucket with soil as he liked to do. I said 'come in because we are having lunch soon'.

"But he stayed a little longer and when we went to call him in a minute later he had gone.

"When we realised he was gone we all went screaming in the streets, we rang doorbells of neighbours to see if he was there and more people came down to join in the search until there were 100 of us.

"We found his yellow bucket in the gutter behind the house.

And since then... nothing."

Portuguese police have maintained total silence on their investigations since Madeleine went missing in May 2007 from her Algarve holiday apartment in Praia de Luz.

But their Spanish counterparts - a 15-strong team from Madrid - have now confided to Jeremy's mother that they have been liaising with the Portuguese authorities on a theory that child traffickers may have targeted both children - and others.

Portuguese police have often been portrayed as unsympathetic to the McCanns because of the legal technicality whereby they remain "arguidos" by virtue of the fact they cannot be ruled above all suspicion. But this latest revelation proves police on the Algarve still take seriously the possibility that child snatchers took Maddy to sell or pass around paedophile rings.

In her first-ever full interview, Jeremy's mum spoke of the striking similarities between the cases and her belief that both children may still be alive.

She was the first mother in similar circumstances to write movingly to Gerry and Kate McCann.

They in turn included the campaign to find Jeremy - known popularly locally as "Yeremi" - in a symbolic balloon release all over Europe last July.

Ithaisa was a single parent at 16 and Jeremy's biological father was just 14 when he was born.

And she has so far been represented in the Spanish media by her older sister Milagros, 35, and her mother Herminia, 54.

Ithiasa, her left eye inflamed from sleepless tearful nights, refuses to believe her son is dead since he vanished on March 10, 2007.

Now she wants to meet the McCanns and the parents of missing Mari Luz Cortes from Huelva, Spain, to draw international attention to their plight. Ithiasa said at her home in Vecindario, 20 miles south of Las Palmas: "It is not even a year since my son went missing and already I have noticed that people in Spain are not paying so much attention to our battle to find him.

"We have printed 100,000 calendars with his picture and our number on and they have been circulated all over the Canary Islands and Spain - yet interest is still starting to fade.

"The case of Madeleine has been huge internationally but the same thing may start to happen.

"We need to make sure people understand we have not given up on our children being found - and neither should anyone else.

"When we heard about Maddy we started crying here because we knew what they would go through because we were already in the middle of it. That's why we wrote to them.

"They have been going through hell, not only losing their daughter but they have also been accused." Ithaisa has tried to get off the high-dose tranquillisers that kept her on her sofa for months inconsolable, in order to look after Jeremy's younger brother two-year-old Aidan.

The toddler still kisses the pictures of Jeremy which dot their home like a shrine.

He disappeared from the other side of the kitchen wall, a few metres from aunts and grandparents preparing Saturday lunch.

Ithaisa's eyes cloud with tears as she visits the spot she last saw her son. Candles laid there on Christmas Eve are still untouched.

She said: "Over 2,000 have since helped us search, including the army, the civil protection, looking in 400 wells. We hoped every day he would be found but instead of him reappearing, more children have disappeared.

"They are all the same, no clues, no signs, only alone for a few minutes, no remains found. They are so similar they must have been organised in the same way.

"There have always been monsters harming children but usually the remains are found after some weeks or months. These cases are a new thing like an epidemic - a complete mystery in tiny windows of time with parents nearby.

"So many coincidences, too many for them to be random happenings.

"It's easy to move to Spain and Portugal from here - they could even be the same people behind these disappearances.

"Jeremy may still be here in the town. It only takes a cellar to keep a child hidden and this town has hundreds of cellars. Perhaps they are sold to families without children or to paedophiles. Either way, I believe my son and Maddy are still alive.

"These are not typical attacks on children they are different - and yet similar to each other."

The tears fall again as the young mum holds her son's shoe and cradles the Christmas present he wrote to Santa for and which still waits for him unopened.

She says: "I felt that if I didn't buy him a present it would be like I had given up on him. We have left his bedroom just as it was - waiting for his return.

"Christmas was horrible, we all went to bed at 8pm on Christmas Day to end the tension and sadness in sleep."

But while each day of waiting for news is torture for Ithaisa, she is worried that some people are mentally closing the case on her son. Just weeks ago, Marcos Rodriguez Cabrera, 37, was arrested for trying to kidnap local girl Sandra Dominguez.

For two horrible weeks it appeared Jeremy could have been incinerated at the animal crematorium where Cabrera worked.

But forensic tests have so far ruled that out and police have now told Ithaisa they are 95 per cent sure there is no link to her son's disappearance.

Ithaisa said: "Some people even started taking down the posters of my son around here because they were so sure the case had been solved and that he had met a macabre end at the crematorium.

"But they were trying to bury my son in their minds far too early. I have to believe he is still alive or my world collapses."

Until she gets answers, Ithaisa and her family can do little but wait. she adds: "My father still gets up in the night and sits on the balcony for hours looking down the street to see if Jeremy is being brought back.

"He says he would sell everything and give it all to whoever took him.

"There would be no revenge, we would forgive anything just to have him back, just to see Jeremy again."

My father still gets up in the night and sits for hours to see if he is coming back

It is like an epidemic - there are too many disappearances to be just random

We knew how the McCanns felt because we were already in the middle of it
Mata Hari
Agentti Scully
Viestit: 655
Liittynyt: Ti Helmi 05, 2008 10:06 pm

Viesti Kirjoittaja Mata Hari »

Hurjasti näitä "maan nielemiä" on. Kyllä sydäntä on riipinyt jokainen tässäkin ketjussa ollut tarina. Ja laittaa kyllä miettimään tämän maailman pahuutta ja myös epätasa-arvoa. Jotain etsitään maailmalaajuisin kampanjoin, joidenkin katoaminen ei yllä mihinkään otsikoihin...
todella surullista.
Jessica Fletcher
Viestit: 3334
Liittynyt: Ma Maalis 26, 2007 7:26 pm
Paikkakunta: Costa del Crime

Viesti Kirjoittaja EuroJR »

Tässä muutama leike CostaDelCrimestä. Ihmeen paljon näitä näyttää riittävän.
Adele Spencer, 28, fought off two intruders who tried to snatch her toddler daughter in Spain.Telling how she fought off the Moroccan-looking women when they broke into her home and tried to take 18-month old Annabelle from her high-chair.The incident came just three days after another British family in the same town were targeted. Yesterday it was claimed the family of missing Madeleine McCann were keen to find out more about the cases.
Miss Spencer said: "If I had been 10 seconds later she would have been gone. I'm just thankful I managed to get to Annabelle in time to save her.
"I never thought we would come close to suffering the same fate as Madeleine's parents. You read about horrific stories like theirs but you don't expect it to happen to you."The drama happened just after 3pm on Tuesday. The hairdresser was alone with her daughter in her rented home in Moraira, Costa Blanca.She had left Annabelle asleep in her high chair and was hanging up clothes in an adjoining bedroom while her fiancé Carl was at work.She said: "I thought it was Annabelle wakingup but when I went in to see her two Moroccan-looking women were standing over her, one on either side."They had taken her blanket from her and were about to try to lift Annabelle out of her chair. My legs buckled under me at first and I felt like I was going to be sick with the shock. But suddenly I came round and I just started screaming over and over, 'Get out of my house, get out of my house'.
"They started walking backwards slowly towards the door and the next minute, I threw myself at the older woman. I lunged at her face and throat as I tried to push her out of the house."
Spanish police are said to be linking the attempted kidnap to a separate bid to snatch a three-year-old British boy in the same town.
Her fiancé, from Leeds, added: "What has happened to Madeleine is awful and it so nearly happened to us. No other parent should have to go through that suffering."
A Coín man was arrested last week for allegedly fondling and kissing a 10-year-old deaf girl. The arrest occurred after officers arrived at the scene of a fight, where several local residents had attacked the accused, who is also deaf, for his alleged assault on the young girl. He has been released pending trial, with a restraining order prohibiting him from being near the victim.
A British man was arrested on Saturday evening at Entre Naranjos urbanisation in Orihuela for allegedly attempting to abuse children.News agency EFE reported that according to the regional supreme court, the suspect was sent to prison on Tuesday on charges of sexual abuse against children and refused bail.They noted that he also has previous criminal convictions for paedophilia offences in Britain.
A Spanish press report also alleges that British police alerted Interpol that the suspect faces an outstanding charge for which he could face extradition to the UK.
Residents from Entre Naranjos told CB News that the man was seen near a playground in a public green area with a group of children between the ages of three and six.
The children later alleged he had been touching them.The residents stated that one young child alleged he was sitting on the man’s knee and that he had given him beer to drink.A woman went to confront the suspect and he briskly walked away from the scene, taking several turnings down backstreets.The residents had already called the police and a group of locals managed to locate the individual and detain him until officers arrived and arrested him.A parent of one of the children said that he was reassured by the vigilance and quick action of members of his community, which may have prevented the incident from potentially having been more serious.He also said he was pleased and surprised by the swift response of the police and the action of the judicial services.Although residents say the suspect has lived in the neighbourhood since 2004, there had never been any reports of concern about his behaviour previously, although one neighbour alleged that the man had been seen taking photos of children in the playground two weeks previously.A number of paedophiles who had flown their country of origin were arrested in the Vega Baja last year.Two British men who were on the run from UK police were detained in Torrevieja at the end of August.One was classed as a high-risk sex offender who had been convicted for abusing children.Both men were sent to Madrid for extradition to the UK.
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4320
Liittynyt: To Touko 31, 2007 2:23 am

Viesti Kirjoittaja ABC »

Katsoin eilen leffan Unohdetut, joka kertoo naisten sieppauksista ja murhista Juarezissa Meksikossa (tänäänkin oli Iltasanomissa uutinen uudesta joukkohaudasta siellä). Elokuvan alussa todetaan, että "kaikki, jotka haluavat siepata naisen, tulevat Juareziin".

Ilmeisesti nyt sitten kaikki, jotka haluavat siepata lapsen, tulevat Espanjaan tai Portugaliin. Tulee mieleen, että alan piireissä on varmaan ollut jo kauankin tiedossa, ettei siellä ainakaan kiinni jää. :? Vai onko yhtään viime vuosien sieppausten tekijää saatu kiinni?
Every ship must sail a world.
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4160
Liittynyt: Pe Syys 07, 2007 2:40 pm
Paikkakunta: ulkomaat

Viesti Kirjoittaja cicero »

mihin perustuu väite että portugalissa siepataan lapsia? espanjassahan sitä tapahtuu mutta portugalissa on tietääkseni alle keskiarvon kun vertaa muihin euroopan maihin....
"jos on pakko tehdä jotain epäsuosittua sen voi saman tien tehdä täydestä sydämestä"
Michael Knight
Viestit: 4160
Liittynyt: Pe Syys 07, 2007 2:40 pm
Paikkakunta: ulkomaat

Viesti Kirjoittaja cicero »

tämän perusteella viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana portugalissa on kadonnut yksi lapsi jonka katoamista ei ole pystytty selvittämään....sitä voi sitten verrata vaikka britteihin tai johonkin muuhun euroopan maahan...espanjassa selvittämättömiä 6 kpl

euroopassa on runsaasti muita maita joissa katoamisia sattuu ja tapahtuu enemmän ja joita ei pystytä selvittämään...portugalin poliisi on saanut tunnustusta muilta euroopan valtioilta työstä jota se on tehnyt kadonneiden lasten kohdalla, maassa on erikseen tähän erikoistunut poliisiyksikkö, lähinnä siitä syystä että portugali toimii läpikulkumaana muualta siepattujen lapsien kuljetuksessa...ei niinkään siksi että ihmiset tulisivat sinne sieppaamaan lapsia...
"jos on pakko tehdä jotain epäsuosittua sen voi saman tien tehdä täydestä sydämestä"
Jessica Fletcher
Viestit: 3334
Liittynyt: Ma Maalis 26, 2007 7:26 pm
Paikkakunta: Costa del Crime

Viesti Kirjoittaja EuroJR »

Irish Independent kirjoitti:PORTUGUESE police are hunting a schoolboy whose disappearance has been linked to Madeleine McCann's.

Officers involved in the search for Madeleine have asked the public to help find Spaniard Yeremi Vargas after a boy matching his description was spotted in northern Portugal.

Yeremi (8) vanished as he played outside his home on the Canary island of Gran Canaria in March 2007. Mum Ithaisa Suarez has said she believes the same child traffickers may have targeted both children.

The McCanns have already printed hundreds of posters with pictures of Madeleine and Yeremi on them and sent them to Spain in a bid to solve both mysteries.

Now the Policia Judiciaria, the police force hunting for Madeleine (4), has put Yeremi's picture up on its missing persons' website alongside the photo of Gerry and Kate's daughter.

The move comes after Spanish police received information about a sighting of a boy thought to be Yeremi near Porto in northern Portugal in September last year.

Portuguese police have declined to reveal detailed information about the sighting.

Yeremi's mum told last month how Spanish police contacted her to say they had been in contact with Portuguese police investigating Madeleine.

Speaking from her home in Vecindario, 20 miles south of Gran Canaria's capital Las Palmas, she said: "They are working on the theory that people involved in child trafficking are behind these cases.

"When we heard about Madeleine, we started crying.

"Her parents have been going through hell, not only losing a daughter but being accused. You would feel like dying."

Yeremi vanished on March 10 last year as he played on wasteground behind his home.

Police suspected a link to Yeremi after the arrest of a local crematorium worker for kidnapping a 10-year-old girl near Las Palmas -- but have now discounted it.
Jahas. Ei ollut krematorion työntekijä sitten syyllinen.
Jessica Fletcher
Viestit: 3334
Liittynyt: Ma Maalis 26, 2007 7:26 pm
Paikkakunta: Costa del Crime

Viesti Kirjoittaja EuroJR »

Laitetaas tähän uusi tapaus Huelvasta. ... 8164.shtml

Nyt on sitten 15-vuotias kadonnut kuin tuhka tuuleen.
Jessica Fletcher
Viestit: 3334
Liittynyt: Ma Maalis 26, 2007 7:26 pm
Paikkakunta: Costa del Crime

Viesti Kirjoittaja EuroJR »

Televisiosta tuli eilen uutisia Yeremi Vargaksen tapauksesta. Äiti oli vastaanottanut puhelun, missä tuntematon kertoi Yeremin voivan hyvin ja olevan hänen hallussaan. Lisäsi vielä, ettei aio koskaan palauttaa poikaa takaisin, mutta halusi äidin tietävän kaiken olevan hyvin.

Poliisi yrittää jäljittää puhelun soittajaa. Voipi olla pilakin, kuten esim. Amyn tapauksessa on jo monesti käynyt, mutta toisaalta soitto on jostain syystä läpäissyt uutiskynnyksen ja siihen suhtaudutaan vakavammin. Noista pilasoitoista ei aiemmin ole tehty uutista.

Postaan lisää, jos kehitystä asiassa tapahtuu.
Jessica Fletcher
Viestit: 3334
Liittynyt: Ma Maalis 26, 2007 7:26 pm
Paikkakunta: Costa del Crime

Viesti Kirjoittaja EuroJR »

No nyt sitten taas katosi nuori tytteli Sevillassa viime lauantaina. ... 0f7f0a1c42

Kuulemma kiltti tyttö eikä koskaan tehnyt katoamistemppua. Kerta se olisi ensimmäinenkin, sillä puhutaan hieman huonomaineisesta poikaystävästä, joka asuisi pitemmällä. Katsotaans nyt mitä tuleman pitää.
Remington Steele
Viestit: 231
Liittynyt: Pe Elo 08, 2008 6:54 pm

Viesti Kirjoittaja WhoIam »

Voisikos joku suomentaa, vai onkos tuossaa edes mitään olennaista suomennettavaa?
Eiliselle emme voi mitään, Huommisesta me ei tiedetä joten pitää elää päivää.
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